maandag 29 maart 2010

Blog 7: Siemens to boost UK wind turbine industry

Siemens, a German engineering giant announces this week that it will invest between £50 and £100 million in a new wind turbine manufacturing. By doing this Siemens wants to beat his American opponent GE. GE has announced last week that is will build a factory in the UK that produces components of windmills.

The reason for these investments in the UK is the new policy of the UK government. The government has £60 million that they want to invest in port facilities that can be used for offshore windmills. They are also planning to build a green investment bank with a fund of £2 million funds. The UK government wants to increase the capacity of green energy to 32 gigawatts. This results in about 6,000 to 8,000 offshore windmills.

Investing in green energy is according to my opinion one of the best things to invest in. We must take care for the fossil fuels and search for new energy resources like wind energy or solar energy. Investments like this from Siemens and GE should be stimulated by the governments. The European Union has also the same opinion that we must take for the environment and wants to reduce the greenhouse gas by 20% to 2020.

I think that Belgium must take action because on the news you always hear of plans for windmills but in the end it always gets wrong. Every months you can find an article on the news where is written or told that Belgium stays behind. If we all take care for the environment it will result in a better world that is healthier and less polluted.


1 opmerking:

  1. I completely agree with the part that you say Belgium always stay behind. It's a generel fact that Belgium always talks about doing things, but never do them. For the investment in green energy i think we need to invest more in those idea's, because we will need them in the near future.
